Alternative Data

KNOW Forum Recap: What’s Next for Identity a...

Check out a recap of our discussion with Hello Soda and Equifax on how alternati...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  June 18, 2020   |  ID Verification  

Why Rent Reporting Alone Is Not Enough to Build Co...

Rent reporting alone isn't enough to build consumer credit. Learn how incorporat...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  June 11, 2020   |  Credit & Lending  

The ABCs of Reporting Utility Payment Data

Reporting utility payment data can improve credit access for consumers and busin...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  April 30, 2020   |  Credit & Lending  

The Impact of Reporting Everyday Expenses on Credit Scores

Millions of consumers are shut out by current credit reporting standards. Here's...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  February 21, 2020   |  Credit & Lending  

Data Showdown: How Do Alternative Data Sources Compare?

When it comes to incorporating alternative data into risk models, the type of al...

Honor Donnie  |  January 27, 2020   |  Credit & Lending  

The Economic Impacts of Alternative Data on Financ...

In a world where 1.7 billion adults remain unbanked, the impacts of alternative ...

Honor Donnie  |  December 3, 2019   |  Credit & Lending  

How Consumer-Permissioned Data Is Reshaping Online Lending

Consumer-permissioned data has the power to improve the customer experience and ...

Honor Donnie  |  November 4, 2019   |  Credit & Lending  

Why Big Tech Is Dominating the Financial Services Sector

Big Tech companies have made it clear: they won’t just settle for Silicon Vall...

Honor Donnie  |  October 17, 2019   |  Credit & Lending  

What the FHFA Ruling Means for the Future of Alter...

The recent FHFA ruling approves the use of alternative data in credit scoring, w...

Amy Hou  |  October 3, 2019   |  Credit & Lending  |  ID Verification