Alternative Data

Meet Small Businesses’ Working Capital Needs wit...

Small businesses are the backbone of any economy and account for much of the eco...

Ayan Kumar  |  June 23, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  

The Future of Traditional Banks in the Age of Fintechs

Technology and alternative data sources can help traditional banks gain a compet...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  May 26, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  |  ID Verification  

How the Buy Now Pay Later Industry Is Expanding Cr...

The buy now pay later industry uses innovate risk modeling to extend credit to m...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  March 16, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  

How Lenders Can Identify Signs of Financial Distre...

A year later, and the pandemic is still affecting the finances of borrowers. Her...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  February 18, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  

How Today’s Digital Environment Is Impacting...

As our reliance on digital processes increases, lenders have to stay informed on...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  February 2, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  |  ID Verification  

How Alternative Data Can Support Online Banking Au...

Amid a surge in online fraud, banks must navigate online banking authentication ...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  January 21, 2021   |  ID Verification  

A New Year and a New Approach to Post-Pandemic Credit Data

After the challenges we faced last year, 2021 calls for a new approach to credit...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  January 18, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  

How an Alternative Credit Data API Can Expand Lend...

Learn how an alternative credit data API can unlock a world of possibilities for...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  December 15, 2020   |  Credit & Lending  

The Impact of Non-Traditional Credit Data on Market Recovery

As lenders enter uncharted territory, non-traditional credit data will be a crit...

Honor Donnie  |  November 18, 2020   |  Credit & Lending