Urjanet Featured in Environmental Leader Top Products Report

Urjanet Inc  |  June 10, 2014   |  Energy & Sustainability  |  Urjanet News  


Urjanet was thrilled to receive the Top Product of 2014 award by Environmental Leader. We wanted to share with you Urjanet’s feature in Environmental Leader’s 2014 Product & Project Hall of Fame.

“Even though electricity and natural gas are significant expenses for large corporations and organizations, many still struggle to measure these expenses. Why? Because utility data is incomplete and not easily accessible. Energy data collection is further complicated by a lack of standards around how energy data is defined and shared. This results in many companies relying on inefficient manual data entry as a means of collecting and aggregating data. Urjanet solves these problems by automating the collection and delivery of utility billing, interval and weather data.

Urjanet is focused on one mission: to deliver the reliable, standardized utility data that enables large corporations/organization to better manage their utility spend, improve financial performance and achieve sustainability goals. The product is integrated with 800+ utilities and replaces unreliable manual data-entry processes with an automated data feed. The data is delivered in a standardized format that is easily imported into customers’ energy management or financial applications. Large corporations and organizations use this data to make intelligent decisions to reduce energy spend, manage their carbon footprint, reduce market price risk, and optimize cash flow. Urjanet says it is different from other solutions because of the accurate, complete and timely utility data that Urjanet delivers. It automates the delivery of:

  • Utility billing data across the thousands of providers in North America and abroad.
  • AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) interval data from the utility providers without installing any hard- ware or software.
  • Weather-normalized energy data for benchmarking facility performance across the enterprise.

One company lowered total energy costs by 10-15% in certain deregulated markets in a single year, Urjanet says. Companies also typically cut the cost of utility bill processing by 30-50%.” Click here to download the full report from Environmental Leader, and be sure to follow @Urjanet on Twitter for the latest news and trends on Big Energy Data.

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About Urjanet Inc

Urjanet, the global leader in utility data aggregation, simplifies how organizations access and use utility data, enabling them to focus on their business. Our technology collects, processes, and delivers data from over 6,500 electric, natural gas, water, waste, telecom, and cable utilities worldwide.

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