Can Supermajors Lead the Renewable Energy Revolution?

Fossil fuels and renewable energy – bitter rivals, right? Not exactly. The pe...

Amy Hou  |  August 1, 2018   |  Blog  |  Energy & Sustainability  

US Energy: Strategies for Weathering the New Tariffs

The summer of 2018 has seen a rapid escalation of trade tensions between US offi...

Amy Hou  |  July 27, 2018   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Employee Spotlight: Molly the Equestrian

On this month’s Urjanet employee spotlight, we’re jumping into new territory...

Amy Hou  |  July 24, 2018   |  Urjanet News  

Alabama’s Cul-de-sacs Reveal the Future of S...

The smart home of sci-fi films past has already become a reality. With a network...

Amy Hou  |  July 19, 2018   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Nonprime Lending: Risky Repeat or Savvy Adaptation?

What’s the first phrase that occurs to you when you read the words “2008 fin...

Amy Hou  |  July 17, 2018   |  Credit & Lending  

Tim Talks: Sustainability Data and the Bottom Line

This week, the world saw something truly special: two Tims coming together to sh...

Amy Hou  |  July 12, 2018   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Extract Energy Insights with Data Calendarization

What are utility bills? In their most basic format, they list a time period, how...

Amy Hou  |  July 10, 2018   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Webinar Recap: Bridging the Data Divide

Thinkstep’s Mike Bruce joined Urjanet’s Tim Porter in a deep dive into break...

Amy Hou  |  July 5, 2018   |  Data & Technology  |  Energy & Sustainability  

5 Solar Technologies Changing the Energy Landscape

Check out these five “bright ideas” pushing the limits of solar tech....

Amy Hou  |  July 3, 2018   |  Blog  |  Energy & Sustainability