Utility Data

Why Rent Reporting Alone Is Not Enough to Build Co...

Rent reporting alone isn't enough to build consumer credit. Learn how incorporat...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  June 11, 2020   |  Credit & Lending  

The Key Challenges of Manual Invoice Capture

Manual utility invoice data collection and aggregation is a tedious multistep pr...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  May 27, 2020   |  AP Automation  

The ABCs of Reporting Utility Payment Data

Reporting utility payment data can improve credit access for consumers and busin...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  April 30, 2020   |  Credit & Lending  

Achieving Straight-Through Processing for Telco an...

Achieving 100% straight-through processing would be considered a utopia for most...

Honor Donnie  |  April 29, 2020   |  AP Automation  

The Growing Demand for Supplier Consolidated Billing

Demand for supplier consolidated billing is on the rise. Explore the many benefi...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  April 6, 2020   |  Energy & Sustainability  

The Importance of Automated Utility Data in the Mi...

In the midst of the unexpected, it's important that your business can still run ...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  March 25, 2020   |  AP Automation  |  Data & Technology  

Three Ways AP Automation Service Providers Can Imp...

Customer satisfaction can make or break your business. Here's what AP automation...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  March 4, 2020   |  AP Automation  |  Data & Technology  

A Review of Utility Invoice Automation Methods

As technology advances, so does the world of accounts payable. Here's our review...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  February 26, 2020   |  AP Automation  |  Data & Technology  

The Impact of Reporting Everyday Expenses on Credit Scores

Millions of consumers are shut out by current credit reporting standards. Here's...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  February 21, 2020   |  Credit & Lending