Why Reliable Digital Identity Verification Solutio...

Since the pandemic began, the majority of consumer interactions have shifted to ...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  March 22, 2021   |  ID Verification  

How the Buy Now Pay Later Industry Is Expanding Cr...

The buy now pay later industry uses innovate risk modeling to extend credit to m...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  March 16, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  

How Lenders Can Reshape the Evolving Mortgage Lend...

As the mortgage lending process changes, lenders must improve fraud prevention, ...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  March 11, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  |  ID Verification  

How Digital Customer Bill Access Can Give Energy P...

As energy providers pursue new opportunities, investing in digital customer bill...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  March 10, 2021   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Interview with Discovery: The Value of Waste Invoi...

How can waste brokers adapt to the challenges of the pandemic and drive better r...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  February 24, 2021   |  Data & Technology  

How Lenders Can Identify Signs of Financial Distre...

A year later, and the pandemic is still affecting the finances of borrowers. Her...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  February 18, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  

Improving Global Identity Verification Processes i...

As businesses and their customers switch to online transactions, the security an...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  February 9, 2021   |  ID Verification  

How Today’s Digital Environment Is Impacting...

As our reliance on digital processes increases, lenders have to stay informed on...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  February 2, 2021   |  Credit & Lending  |  ID Verification  

How Alternative Data Can Support Online Banking Au...

Amid a surge in online fraud, banks must navigate online banking authentication ...

Ma-Keba Frye  |  January 21, 2021   |  ID Verification