
What Industry Leaders in Sustainability Are Doing Right

Industry leaders in sustainability have a few key strategies in common when it c...

Amy Hou  |  February 15, 2018   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Highlights from GreenBiz 18

From circular economy to linear SDG action, sustainability trailblazers at Green...

Amy Hou  |  February 13, 2018   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Where to Start with an Emerging Sustainability Program

With a new sustainability program, it’s hard to figure out how to benchmark su...

Amy Hou  |  February 5, 2018   |  Energy & Sustainability  

The Untapped Potential of IoT and Sustainability

The IoT has become a practical cornerstone in our daily lives, but can it impact...

Amy Hou  |  January 4, 2018   |  Data & Technology  |  Energy & Sustainability  

A Day in the Life of a Sustainability Professional

Spearheading sustainability initiatives can be both incredibly rewarding and imm...

Amy Hou  |  December 19, 2017   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Lift the Burden of Water Billing Management

Many organizations are losing time and money on manually processing water billin...

Amy Hou  |  December 14, 2017   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Using Data to Establish a Baseline of Water Use

Before an organization can make progress on water reduction goals, it needs to s...

Amy Hou  |  December 7, 2017   |  Energy & Sustainability  

Fixing the Leak in Water Efficiency with Data

Water efficiency and conservation is becoming increasingly crucial to any CSR pr...

Amy Hou  |  November 30, 2017   |  Energy & Sustainability  

SlideShare: Gaining Sustainability Buy-In with Utility Data

In this SlideShare, you'll get a sneak peak into our new eBook, Gaining Sustaina...

Amy Hou  |  November 22, 2017   |  Energy & Sustainability