eCredable Redefines Credit Reporting with Utility & Telecom Payment Data

Credit score document vector concept, hand holding personal data report

eCredable is a credit bureau that provides credit scores for customers who lack a traditional credit history. Customers of eCredable can link certain monthly financial obligations, including utilities and telecom providers, to their eCredable file and receive a verified credit score. 

Founded in 2009, eCredable first began with a “shoebox” credit reporting model, whereby consumers collected their paper bills and receipts for rent, insurance, gas, water, and power and manually entered these bills into their online account with eCredable. To build a credit report and score, eCredable then had to call all of these companies to manually verify the payment history of the consumer — a cumbersome task that wasn’t scalable. To keep their business growing, eCredable reached out to Urjanet to join forces to automate the aggregation of the utility data invoices the business needed to scale their process. Download the case study to learn more about the success eCredable has seen by working with Urjanet. 


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